Publish And Distribute, A Composers Guide

Self-publishing is becoming a popular market amongst the independent professional community. Print-on-demand (POD) and aggregator websites have become vast over this past decade. Self-publishing has its advantages over obtaining publishing deals the traditional way. As visited before, to get a publishing deal the traditional way, a query letter needs to be created to obtain an agent. Once the agent is attained, a press kit must be created to showcase your identity as an artist, something like a resume. This will allow an agent to shop your works to a publisher, in hopes of getting a publishing deal. As for Self-publishing, it is possible to publish works without the involvement of an established third-party. Self-publishing forwards the author responsibility and control over the entire publishing process. This process includes design, file formats, price, distribution channels, marketing and public relations. The author can either do it all themselves, or outsource the process to companies that offer these services.


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The Traditional Way To A Publisher

On the road to finding a reputable publisher, there are steps that must be taken in order to reach those reputable publishers. First lets state that the entertainment industry is all about the connections you have and what you know. As a rookie music composer ready to attempt at finding opportunities in the music industry, a certain connection is needed to mediate between the publisher and us. Most production companies will instantly refuse to review unsolicited works, which most likely will be thrown in the trash once received. Getting to the first step at finding a publisher, find a reputable agent that best thrives in your field of choice and at your skill level. An agent is the go between that can successfully solicit works to production companies. Agents have those vital connections to the industry that is needed to get to that next level.


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